Kona Veterinary Service

& Waikoloa Veterinary Service

New Puppy Recommendations
Puppies initially receive three booster vaccines given 3-4 weeks apart followed by a yearly vaccine. Additional vaccines such as rabies vaccine and bordetella vaccine (commonly called ‘kennel cough’ ) are also given as needed in your situation. Click HERE for more information about vaccines.
Deworming is an important step in keeping your puppy and your family healthy. Intestinal parasites can cause serious disease in animals and may be transmitted to people as well. We recommend you bring a stool sample to your puppy visits as well as your annual visits. If your dog does have parasites we will help select the right medication to treat the problem.
We recommend that all puppies start monthly heartworm preventative at 8 weeks of age. A heartworm blood test is not required at this time unless your puppy is over six months of age. Ask any of our staff for the right choice for your pup! Click HERE for more information about heartworm.
We also recommend a monthly flea and tick medication to prevent infestation, skin irritation and infection. These medications will also help prevent diseases that fleas and ticks can transmit. We have several products to choose from and our staff will be happy to help you select the one that is perfect for your pet.
Puppy socialization classes and obedience classes will help your puppy learn how to interact with other dogs and help teach basic commands to aid in training. Classes are recommended for every puppy. We recommend Paws University for these types of classes. You can contact them at 325-6436 more information and find out which classes would be best for your puppy.
All dogs should be spayed or neutered between five and six months of age. This prevents pregnancy, helps control many unwanted behaviors, and prevents life threatening diseases of the reproductive tract such as pyometra.
We recommend all puppies receive a microchip for identification. This tiny microchip is inserted with a needle under the skin where it serves as identification if they are lost. A microchip can be inserted at any time during your regular visits or can be done when they are spayed or neutered. Click HERE for more information about microchips.
For more general advice on bringing a new pet into the home, the resource library at PAWS.org has some great information.